Some variations of the extremal index

Published in Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI. Volume 501, Probability and Statistics, 2021

Recommended citation: G. Buriticá, N. Meyer, T. Mikosch, O. Wintenberger. (2021). Some variations of the extremal index. Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI. Volume 501, Probability and Statistics.* **30**, 52—77. To be translated in J.Math.Sci. (Springer).

‘This paper is an overview on the extremal index for stationary time series. It provides a new interpretation in terms of α-clusters, where α is the tail-index of the series.’

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G. Buriticá, N. Meyer, T. Mikosch, O. Wintenberger. (2021). Some variations of the extremal index. Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI. Volume 501, Probability and Statistics.* 30, 52—77. To be translated in J.Math.Sci. (Springer).